easy mother's day cake

Easy Mother's Day Cake

My delicious, easy Mother’s Day cake.

Indeed, this easy Mother’s Day cake is quick to prepare and cook., and what's more, it doesn't take much decorating time..

If you want to please a mother by making her a cake that doesn't take much time, alors cette recette est faite pour vous.

easy mother's day cake

And yet, the result is so delicious that you won't be able to resist.

I prepared my sponge cake for a rolled biscuit in order to have a very soft cake.

I garnished it with store-bought jam and the decoration was finished with icing sugar and strawberries..

easy mother's day cake

The roses come to me from my children who wanted to please me, so cute my choupinoux!

Voilà! Very simple but the result will inevitably please a mother or the person you love.

easy mother's day cake

Regarding the garnish, you can replace the jam with chocolate, or honey and add pieces of fruit like banana, apple or strawberries.

The rolled biscuit is the base, then it's up to you to let your imagination speak and think of a greedy mom!

easy mother's day cake


  • 4 œufs
  • 100g de sucre en poudre
  • 100g de farine
  • 1 teaspoon & rsquo; liquid vanilla flavor
  • Strawberry jam
  • Déco: sucre glace, a few strawberries


  • Whisk eggs with powdered sugar and the & rsquo; vanilla flavor, until the mixture triples in volume.
  • Sift the flour and pour.
  • Mix gently.
  • Verser la pâte sur une plaque recouverte de papier cuisson.
  • Enfourner pendant 10 minutes à 180°C.
  • By the end of cooking, slide the sponge cake onto a damp cloth and let cool.
  • Spread with strawberry jam.
  • Roll your cake and place it on a serving dish.
  • Sprinkle with icing sugar and arrange strawberries.

Other cake recipe ideas that can make a mom happy: Strawberry Clafoutis, pear tree cake, tiramisu cake, easy black forest.

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Recipe Name
Easy Mother's Day Cake
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  1. Plume & Prose – France – Passionate about writing since my early childhood, it was quite natural that I embarked on the adventure of “Copywriting”. free process, articles and interviews passing by my kitchen, I invite you to discover and rediscover me through “Plume & Prose” where I never tire of using this art of “Storytelling”

    Magnificent as anything

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