chocolate viennese

Viennese chocolate

The gourmet chocolate Viennese dessert.

The Viennese chocolate dessert is a treat that is very easy to make but which, unfortunately eaten too quickly!

chocolate viennese

The Viennese coffee has been replaced by chocolate which makes it irresistible.

So obliged to dedicate myself to satisfy my gourmands!

chocolate viennese

All you need to do is make a good hot chocolate and whip up some whipped cream..

The longest thing is to let it cool before you can eat this famous dessert..

chocolate viennese

I used cow's milk but vegetable milk is also possible, same for chocolate, different tastes exist, treat yourself!

chocolate viennese

The gourmet touch of whipped cream is essential, I advise you to have an efficient electric mixer as well as glass containers to keep your treats cool and also practical to transport.

Viennese chocolate
Author: Fabienne
Prep time:
Cook time:
Total time:
Serves: 6 personnes
  • 1/2l de lait
  • 3 cuillères à soupe de sucre en poudre
  • 2 dark chocolate bars
  • 1 cuillère à soupe de maïzena
  • 20cl de crème liquide
  1. Faire chauffer le lait.
  2. Dès que le lait est chaud, added the broken chocolate bars.
  3. Mélanger régulièrement.
  4. Mix the cornstarch with a splash of water and pour it into the milk.
  5. Mix well until thickened.
  6. Pour the cream into ramekins and let cool completely.
  7. Assemble the cream chantilly.
  8. Poach the whipped cream on the creams and place in the fridge.

recipe image
Recipe Name
Viennese chocolate
Published On
Preparation Time
Cook Time
Total Time


  • Marion 25 August 2020 at 7:57 AM

    Even if I am not a fan of this kind of dessert on a daily basis, once in a while and homemade, it's not the same...
    Visually, it is very successful !
    Bonne journée, bises.

  • la cuisine de poupoule
    La cuisine de Poupoule (Christelle) 27 August 2020 at 11:19 AM

    this is too too good I love it
    Bonne journée

  • Plume & Prose – France – Passionate about writing since my early childhood, it was quite natural that I embarked on the adventure of “Copywriting”. free process, articles and interviews passing by my kitchen, I invite you to discover and rediscover me through “Plume & Prose” where I never tire of using this art of “Storytelling”
    Plume & Prose 20 September 2020 at 6:06 PM

    How I can love this kind of delight


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