The Asian recipe for tapioca coconut milk mango.
If you have not yet had the opportunity to eat Japanese pearls, it is now possible with the recipe that I am offering you.
It’s very simple to prepare and ultra delicious. Especially when cooked in coconut milk.
The pearls of Japan, also called tapioca are made from cassava starch.
I discovered this dessert during a report on Asian cuisine and I must say that these pearls completely appealed to me.
I only had one desire, make and eat these pearls from Japan in order to form my own opinion.
En tout cas je prends plaisir à préparer cette recette et à la déguster avec différents fruits.
Allez-y foncez! Vous ne serez pas déçu du résultat. 🙂
Je participe à la Bataille Food #64.
The Food Battle, this is a non issue challenge, launched ago 5 ans par Jenna du blog Bistro de Jenna. It brings together bloggers / Culinary Artists but also amateurs / Kitchen trices every 1st Wednesday of the month at 18h around a new theme proposed by the godfather or godmother of the month.
Valérie from the 123Dégustez blog is the administrator of the game and page Facebook.
The previous patron was Lina blog Chaud Patate and the new godmother Patricia blog Karibo Sakafo.
Le thème est: Escales gourmandes dans les cuisines de l’Asie.
- 200ml de lait de coco
- 4 cuillères à soupe de perles du Japon
- 4 cuillères à soupe de sucre
- 1 mangue fraîche ou en sirop
- Verser le lait de coco dans une casserole.
- Ajouter le sucre ainsi que les perles du Japon et mélanger.
- Faire chauffer le tout.
- Mélanger régulièrement pour éviter aux perles du Japon de coller.
- Les perles vont devenir translucide.
- Cuire pendent 10 minutes tout en remuant régulièrement.
- Laisser refroidir.
- Servir dans un récipient et déposer des morceaux de mangue.
- Déguster tiède ou froid.
Voici les ingrédients dont vous avez besoin:
Liste des participants:
Karibo Sakafo , 123…dégustez!, Famoh, Cuisine à 4 mains, J’ai toujours aimé le jaune moutarde , My nomad cuisine, it does not feel a little burnt out, Marlyzen, Keskonmangemaman, I do not like salad, Magg kitchenette, Le blog de Cata, La médecine passe par la cuisine, Mes inspirations culinaires, gourmet walks and other fads, In the kitchen of Djanisse, Aussi délicieux qu’un gâteau, Graine de faim kely
I'm not a fan of tapioca, too sticky for my taste but I like the other flavors so I let myself tempting !
Marion sorry for you but you do not have the proper preparation ate tapioca; normally it is creamy. However tempted you! Bises.
A dessert smooth! Thank you for your participation!
Patricia thank you for your theme! Bises.
This dessert is very appetizing, although I'm not a fan of tapioca.
Belle soirée
Merci Valérie!
I love the unique texture of tapioca, and your recipe looks so easy to make! I take note, and I think we will have a good dessert on the menu this week!
Merci Gaëlle, ravie que ma recette te plaise! N’hésite pas à me faire un retour. 🙂
A delicious fresh and tasty dessert! very nice day!
Thank you!
Not a fan of tapioca but I understand that the little ones like it. Anyway, your dessert looks great.
Merci, the tapioca you adhere immediately or not. Merci!
How tasty it must be ! Biz.
Oh yes it is! 🙂
A sweet Asian dessert that I ate in Madagascar!
And so good!
I only use tapioca to thicken my soups, I have always missed my tapioca-based desserts alas
There is always something wrong somewhere but perseverance pays! Tu devrai essayer le tapioca en dessert tu ne seras pas déçue! 🙂
Parfait avec la mangue, c’est une belle recette sucrée que tu nous proposes !
Merci Marlyzen. 🙂
coucou quel gourmandise, que tu offre, j’adore 😀 bisous
Merci! 🙂