japanese mango pearls

Japanese pearls mango

My delicious Japanese mango pearls.

Je vous ai déjà proposé des recettes similaire, mais une envie de refaire de plus jolies photos m’ont reboosté pour réaliser ce dessert. 😉

japanese mango pearls

japanese mango pearls

En même temps, je ne me suis pas trop forcé car ce dessert est un vrai délice dont je ne me lasse pas.

La crème obtenue est doucement sucré et l’accompagnement de mangue est juste terrible.

japanese mango pearls

japanese mango pearls

Peu calorique pour mon plus grand plaisir, mes perles du Japon mangue sont également sans gluten! 🙂

japanese mango pearls

japanese mango pearls

Japanese pearls mango
Author: Fabienne
Prep time:
Cook time:
Total time:
  • 200ml de lait de coco
  • 4 cuillères à soupe de perles du Japon
  • 4 cuillères à soupe de sucre
  • 1 boîte de mangue en sirop
  1. Mélanger le lait de coco avec le sucre en poudre et faire chauffer.
  2. Ajouter les perles du Japon et mélanger régulièrement pendant 10 minutes.
  3. Les perles du Japon vont devenir translucide.
  4. Stopper la cuisson et laisser refroidir.
  5. Répartir dans des coupelles ou ramequins.
  6. Arrange mango slices.

Je participe à la Bataille Food #97 invented by Jenna Jenna Bistro, the administrator is Hélène du blog Keskonmangemaman ? who manages the page Battle of Food Facebook.

Previous sponsor was Samar from the blog Mes Inspirations Culinaires and the new godmother is Soulef from the blog Amour de cuisine which has chosen as theme: Let it snow.

Liste des participants:

  1. Corinne du blog Cuisine en folie
  2. Aneth from the blog My recipes and others
  3. Delphine du blog Oh la gourmande
  4. Muriel du blog small pots
  5. Annyvonne du blog Les délices de Thithoad
  6. josette from the blog Josette's kitchen
  7. DelphineF du blog maman kestcekonmange
  8. Flo du blog flo in the kitchen
  9. Yolande du blog at patchouka
  10. Hélène du blog keskonmangemaman
  11. Michelle from the pleasures of home blog
  12. Regis du blog the best recipes
  13. PB's straw you blog petit bohnium
  14. Christelle du blog la cuisine de poupoule
  15. Catalina du tasting blog
  16. irisa du blog kitchen and colors
  17. Fabienne du blog famoh
  18. Michèle du blog crunchyfondantgourmand
  19. betty du blog my-feast
  20. Natalia from the sugar and spice blog
  21. salima from the blog it’s salima who cooks
  22. Ewa07 du blog the horizons of ewa
  23. Soulef du blog Amour de Cuisine

recipe image
Recipe Name
Japanese pearls mango
Published On
Preparation Time
Cook Time
Total Time


  • Muriel 5 January 2022 at 10:43 PM

    I remember this delicious idea ! Bonne soirée

  • croquantfondant
    croquantfondant 6 January 2022 at 6:25 AM

    A nice discovery for me! Bonne journée

  • ohlagourmande – Hello, My name is Delphine, I am a teacher and mother of two boys..... Cooking has become a true passion, I share my little dishes with my family and friends, you will find traditional recipes, simple and quick.
    ohlagourmande 6 January 2022 at 7:23 AM

    These little pearls are a delight, you make me really want

  • Coco de Nice
    Coco de Nice 6 January 2022 at 7:38 AM

    a good little dessert to discover !
    thank you Famoh

  • la cuisine de poupoule
    la cuisine de poupoule 6 January 2022 at 7:47 AM

    Hmmm a good dessert
    Bonne journée

  • Assia – Mother of three grown children, graduated in pastry and passionate about cooking in general. Youtuber also and I like to exchange and share my recipes and my know-how with those interested. I also like to travel and discover other worlds
    Assia 6 January 2022 at 9:37 AM

    A fresh and delicious dessert. Kisses and happy new year

  • Yolande – https://www.chezpatchouka.com/
    Yolande 6 January 2022 at 11:36 AM

    rhooooo that looks delicious to me !!!

  • Soulef Amour de cuisine – Royaume-Uni – visitez mon blog 👇👇👇
    amour de cuisine 6 January 2022 at 12:24 PM

    Coucou Fabienne,
    A beautiful snow in the mug I love it, it's just great
    Merci pour ta participation.

  • The Best Recipes 6 January 2022 at 10:19 PM

    Un dessert original ! Merci pour la recette

  • Christalie 7 January 2022 at 5:40 PM

    nice recipe !! merci ! I made your apple roll last Sunday ! un délice !!

  • Recipes for Okok
    The revenues of resourcefulness 8 January 2022 at 12:36 PM

    It must be excellent. It seems that you are the new godmother. Looking forward to discovering your theme.


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