leek and sesame seed soup

leek soup with sesame seeds.

A leek and sesame seed soup to kick off autumn.

What a pleasure to prepare soups when the weather cools down, It's a real treat!

leek and sesame seed soup

All the vegetables go there.

leek and sesame seed soup

This time I offer you a leek and sesame seed soup, a deliciously velvety recipe with a little exotic touch.

leek and sesame seed soup

The association is very appreciable.

I have a preference for mixed vegetables, but if you prefer to have pieces, treat yourself.

leek and sesame seed soup

I participate in the game "around a recipe ingredient" launched by the two bloggers Samar, du blog mes inspiration culinaires et Soulef du blog amour de cuisine . La marraine du jeu, Ilhem your blog Delights Kenza selected as ingredient "Leeks" to be the star of this month.

leek soup with sesame seeds.
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Prep Time
10 min
Cook Time
30 min
Total Time
40 min
Prep Time
10 min
Cook Time
30 min
Total Time
40 min
  1. 1 leek
  2. 1 pomme de terre
  3. 1 cuillère à café de curcuma
  4. 1 teaspoon golden sesame seeds
  5. a little olive oil
  1. Cutting piece leek and potato peeled.
  2. In a saucepan saute the leeks in olive oil, potatoes and turmeric.
  3. Add the sesame seeds and mix.
  4. Pour water up to the height and cover.
  5. Cuire pendant 30 minutes.
  6. Mix your soup.
Adapted from Famoh - Blog de cuisine
Famoh - Simple and easy recipe blog https://famoh.net/

The list of participating:

1. Ilhem du blog Les Kenza Delightswith Leek Gratin with Parmesan Cream

2. Soulef du blog Amour de Cuisine with Snails with Butternut Squash and Spinach

3. Samar du blog Mes Inspirations Culinaires with Leek Tart

4. Ponpon blog The Kitchen Ponpon with Leek Brick on a bed of Chicken Rillettes

5. Catalina du blog Le Blog de Cata with Cocotte Eggs on Leek Fondue

6. Mauricette blog Momo Gateaux with Quinoa and Leek Tart

7. So-CuiZine from the blog So-Cuizine with Leek Flan

8. Martine blog Kilometre-0 with Leek Tart , Peppers and Scarmorza

9. Delphine du blog Oh , Gourmande.. avec Flan de Poireaux et Poivrons a la Pancetta

10. Michèle from the Croquant Fondant Gourmand blog with a Coquillette Gratin with Leek Fondue

11 . Cécile from the blog La Cuisine de Cécile with Fish Flan with Leeks

12 . Rosa from the blog La Cuisine de Rosa with Penne Rigate with Leeks , Bacon and Curry

13 . Jackie from the blog La Cuisine de Jackie with Blanquette of Scallops

14 . Coco de Nice du blog Cuisine en Folie with Leek Crumble and Mushroom Fricassee

15 . Samia from the Nuances Culinaires blog with Leek Galette

16 . Flo du blog Au Fil Du Thym with Leek Gratin and Camembert

17 . Michèle du blog Miechambo with Leek and Chevre Tartlets

18 . Toque de Choc from the blog Toque de Choc ! with Pan-fried Leek Quiche on Corn Flour Dough

19 . Céline du blog CC-Kitchen with Leek Tart

20 . Marion du blog Marmotte Cuisine ! with Royau Ravioli and their cream and leek sauce

21 . Chantal du blog A Grain of Sand or salt with Bulgur Chevrette Salad

22 . Salima from the blog It’s Salima who Cooks with Chicken and Leek Tart

23 . Michelle from the Plaisirs de la Maison blog with Cod Back and Leek Fondue

24 . Natly du blog A kitchen for Voozenoo with Potato Ramekins , Leek and Maroilles

25 . La Table de Clara from the blog La Table de Clara with Crumble Leeks Smoked Salmon

26 . Giulia from the blog Un Zest de Soleil with Leek Risotto , Sausage and Pork Brisket

27 . Helena blog Keskonmangemaman with Leek Flan and Shrimp in Lemon Sauce

28 . Colinette you blog R7 Colinette with Leek Salmon Pie

29 . Fabienne du blog Famoh with Leek Soup and Sesame Seeds

30 . Julie du blog La Ptite Ju Nantaise with Leek Fish Pie

31 . I du's blog Mam’s … Qu’est ce qu on mange ? with Leek and Potato Velouté from my Childhood

recipe image
Recipe Name
leek soup with sesame seeds
Published On
Preparation Time
Cook Time
Total Time


  • Marion 3 October 2018 at 4:46 PM

    Une petite soupe bien venue en cette saison !

    • Fabienne
      Famoh 5 October 2018 at 9:11 AM

      Merci Marion!

  • Samar-My Culinary Inspirations
    samar 3 October 2018 at 5:34 PM

    une soupe bien réconfortante comme je les aime avec ces chutes de temperatures

    • Fabienne
      Famoh 5 October 2018 at 9:11 AM

      Merci Samar, c’est vrai qu’elle réchauffe! Bises

  • jackie 3 October 2018 at 8:40 PM

    Une soupe santé et très réconfortante. Bises

    • Fabienne
      Famoh 5 October 2018 at 9:12 AM

      Thanks Jackie! 🙂

  • Catalina 3 October 2018 at 9:02 PM

    c’est super bonne ta soupe

    • Fabienne
      Famoh 5 October 2018 at 9:13 AM

      Thank you Sylvie! 🙂

  • Soulef Amour de cuisine – Royaume-Uni – visitez mon blog 👇👇👇
    Amour de cuisine 3 October 2018 at 9:27 PM

    ça doit être super gourmand, I really like.

    • Fabienne
      Famoh 5 October 2018 at 9:15 AM

      Merci Soulef, effectivement elle est gourmande! Bises

  • croquantfondant
    croquantfondant 4 October 2018 at 8:17 AM

    Bien sympathique cette petite soupe!

    • Fabienne
      Famoh 5 October 2018 at 9:16 AM

      Merci Michelle!

  • paramourdesbonneschoses
    paramourdesbonneschoses 4 October 2018 at 9:04 AM

    Une chouette recette qui sent bon l’arrivée de l’hiver 😉

    • Fabienne
      Famoh 5 October 2018 at 9:17 AM

      Oui ça y est je suis prête pour affronter l’hiver! 🙂

  • Sab
    Sabrina 4 October 2018 at 12:40 PM

    Miam ! Tout ce que j’aime cette soupe. Merci pour ta recette.

    • Fabienne
      Famoh 5 October 2018 at 9:17 AM

      Merci pour ton retour Sabrina.

  • latabledeclara 4 October 2018 at 2:10 PM

    Tu as bien raison il est temps de penser aux bonnes soupes reconfortantes

    • Fabienne
      Famoh 5 October 2018 at 9:19 AM

      Merci Clara, tu as raison place aux soupes! 🙂

  • Natly 4 October 2018 at 4:03 PM

    La touche curcuma et graines de sésame me plait beaucoup 😀

    • Fabienne
      Famoh 5 October 2018 at 9:20 AM

      Merci, ça apporte une petite touche exotique! 🙂

  • Colinette 5 October 2018 at 11:52 AM

    belle soupe!

    • Fabienne
      Famoh 6 October 2018 at 6:26 AM

      Merci Colette!

  • laptitejunantaise
    laptitejunantaise 6 October 2018 at 3:02 PM

    Je ne dit pas non à une petite soupe aujourd’hui! Bonne journée. Julie


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