Rice pilaf cookeo
Plats Cookeo recipe Recettes express

Rice pilaf cookeo

Very easy cookeo rice pilaf.

Here is a simple recipe to prepare delicious cookeo rice pilaf.

Rice pilaf cookeo

Rice pilaf is a cooking method where the rice grains are first browned in a little oil and then cooked in a liquid (water or broth).

Rice pilaf cookeo

To make it more consistent, you can add vegetables or even pieces of meat.

Rice pilaf cookeo

INGREDIENTS: (pour 6 personnes)

  • 375g de riz
  • 1 petit oignon
  • 1 small box of peas
  • 1 teaspoon of ras el hanout powder
  • 1 cuillère à café de paprika
  • du sel, du poivre
  • 750ml d’eau
  • du persil


  • In the cookeo, brown the onion cut into pieces with a little oil on the “GROWN” mode.
  • Add the spices as well as the rice and peas.
  • Mix regularly for 3 minutes.
  • Pour water.
  • Start “PRESSURE” mode for a duration of 8 minutes.
  • By the end of cooking, pour your preparation into a dish and crush to separate the rice grains.

Other cookeo recipes:

Stir-fried chicken rice cookeo

Sautéed carrots in cookeo

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