instant pot rice pudding

Instant pot rice pudding

My best instant pot rice pudding.

Instant pot rice pudding is a way to cook this delicious dessert and make it even more accessible.

At home we are a fan, especially when it is cooked in coconut milk, Yum a real delight! However, we must still admit that it is quite easy to cook.

instant pot rice pudding

Vous connaissez mon assistant de cuisine “Instant Pot” que j’apprécie d’utiliser dans mon quotidien et par ailleurs pour la cuisson du riz au lait, I was not deceived.

instant pot rice pudding

All I had to do was pour all my ingredients into the bowl, to start the cooking mode for a period of 8 minutes!

During this time I quietly tidied up my kitchen and prepared the props for my recipe photo.

instant pot rice pudding

I have a preference for creamy rice pudding but to have a consistency with more hold, let it sit in the fridge overnight.

Basically, hot, warm or cold, c’est trop bon!

instant pot rice pudding

I chose a decoration with pistachios and cinnamon powder to taste my rice pudding.

Instant pot rice pudding
Author: Fabienne
Prep time:
Cook time:
Total time:
  • 500ml de lait de coco
  • 2,5 tablespoons of rice
  • 4 cuillères à soupe de sucre en poudre
  • Déco:
  • crushed pistachios
  • de la cannelle en poudre
  1. Pour the milk into the multicooker bowl.
  2. Add the rice and the powdered sugar and mix.
  3. Lancer le mode “cuisson sous pression”, sélectionner “riz” pour une durée de cuisson de 8 minute.
  4. By the end of cooking, pour your rice pudding into ramekins or a larger container.
  5. Let stand and cool before consuming.

Je participe à la Foodista Challenge #70 and the new godmother is Viviane from the blog What we eat ? which has chosen as theme: rice pudding.

Liste des participants:

Delphine du blog Oh la gourmande !

Vanessa du blog Popotte du Petit Bohnium

Michelle from the blog Plaisirs de la maison

Fabienne du blog Famoh

Sofia you blog Pen and Prose

Nathalie from the blog Kitchen for Voozenoo

Assia blog Pastry and CGourmet Food Assia

Christine, you blog Pause Nature

Lina your blog Chaud Patate

Chantal du blog Un grain de sable ou de sel

Laurence from the blog Fun and Balance

Chrystelle du blog La cuisine de Poupoule

Catalina du blog Le blog de Cata

Jackie du blog Jackie cuisine

Viviane blog What we eat ?

foodista-challenge (1)

rice-pudding-5 (2)

Previous editions:

Steph de Cuisine me a sheep : Cupcakes & muffins

Lucia Goulucieusement : Taste of Autumn

hears Tales and Delights : Brunch

julia the Cookines : The cozy Scandinavian recipes

Anaïs Lemon and Sardine : A touch of Mediterranean

Nath de Pourquoi je grossis : Small delights for big appetites ...

Gordana des Recipes Galore : Shaping Our picnics spring

Audrey de Cooking n co : Flavors of Asia

Adeline at Cook'N Blog : And if we cooled off with ice

Margaux Lemon Verbena : The fruit tart

Gwen de Tisser Pastry: The Vanilla want you in here

Cyrielle Cyrielle Gourmandise : Around a Tea Time

Maeva of Cook a life ! by Maeva : What if we added more of a layer ?

Valérie de I love cakes : The magic of Christmas

Deborah of mom tarnished : The sweet life

Gabrielle de Little Spoon and slipper : Flower Power

Elise And so we cook : Lebanese Cuisine

Anne Laure Nietzsche glitters and handbag : It's believed all!

Angelique Angel's Recipes : India dresses in pink

Sarah-Eden from Les Trois Madeleines : Pin-up your day

Emily Émilie Sweetness : The dishes in the large

Didoo by Deviously Sweet Pâtisserie : Back to School

Gourmand and organic Gourmet and Organic : Fsummer campaign for melon !

Papa Rico by Chez Papa Rico : Italy without cheese

Sandra Encore un gâteau : Festivals Desserts

Aurelia Les Gourmandises de Ya : It'll Bonfire !

Steve from Mon Carnet Café : The egg, star in all its states

Valérie of 1,2,3… Taste ! : The round peppers

Hélène de Keskonmangemaman : It’s my cup of tea

Stephanie de Fil and Croq : Mojito flavor

Lina de hot potato : Smoke on the plate

Marie de United Colours of Macarons: Cooking with our child's soul

Virginie from Tea Time & Delicatessen : Roll my hen

Home Sweet Benedict : Tartine Me

Cindy Comme une envie de douceur : And if you cook leftovers ?

Lilie from La Cuisine Maison, And why not me? : The squash are at the party

Sarah de play with food : Tonight, c & rsquo; is watching TV !

Sabrina de Sab'n'Pepper : Sun destination !

Cécile de Ma Cuisine Bleu Combava : The World Tour Breakfasts !

Patou de Karibo Sakafo : Level we along the Silk Road !

Carole de Bring The Popotte ! : Turn away the aperitif

Laurent Lau kitchen : Spéculoosez me dessert !

Hélène de Keskonmangemaman : Holdays on ice

Lova of Grainedefaimkely : Mi-figue mi-raisin

Sylvie from Clara's table : The kitchen dresses up in orange for Halloween

Daniela from Somewhere in Provence : Around the jar

Delphine from Oh la Gourmande : The Gratins

Hélène de Keskonmangemaman ? :Mardi Gras

Natalia from Sucreetepices : Happy Birthday!

Assia Gourmandiseassia: Spring verrine

Ponpon de La cuisine de Ponpon : Bring back your strawberry!

Guy de guy59600 : Chocolate

Michelle from Pleasures of Home : Apricot, salty or sweet version

Martine de Kilomètre 0 : The cakes in the morning

Michèle Croquant Fondant Gourmand : And Patati and ... Potato dough in a tizzy.

Christèle from La cuisine de poupoule : Celebrate autumn in our base

Catalina de Le blog de Cata : Canned house to date

Sophie de Tenderness in the kitchen : The revenue base and leg strokes

Patty you blog veganvert : Revenue declined classic version 100% vegetable

Jackie du blog Jackiecuisine : When I say lemon, c & rsquo; is lime, le yuzu, caviar lemon, the combava, le citron, bergamot

Coco de Nice du blog Cuisine en folie : Pancakes and anything that jumps in the pan

Fabienne du blog Famoh : Stay greedy during confinement !

Sofia you blog Plume & Prose : Invitation to the delights of the Thousand & One Nights

Meriem from the blog La Casbah des Délice : We go to the beach

Loubna blog Test kitchen : Stay greedy without refined sugar

Charlotte's blog The revenues of resourcefulness : The courgette

Christelle du blog Toque de choc : The bentos back to school in good health

Elodie blog The kitchen of a Toquée : Cookies to eat under the blanket

Christine's blog Pause-Nature : When vegetables invite themselves to dessert

recipe image
Recipe Name
Instant pot rice pudding
Published On
Preparation Time
Cook Time
Total Time


  • Plume & Prose – France – Passionate about writing since my early childhood, it was quite natural that I embarked on the adventure of “Copywriting”. free process, articles and interviews passing by my kitchen, I invite you to discover and rediscover me through “Plume & Prose” where I never tire of using this art of “Storytelling”
    Plume & Prose 8 January 2021 at 8:55 AM

    What a real delight ! Gourmet and so comforting.

  • Yolande –
    Yolande 8 January 2021 at 10:36 AM

    miammm j’y plongerai bien une cuillère….

  • plaisiretequilibre – Région parisienne
    pleasure and balance 8 January 2021 at 10:56 AM

    I rarely eat rice pudding because it takes a long time to prepare. I don't know the instant pot but just to make this dessert more often, I would like to buy it !

  • Quoi Qu'on Mange ? – La cuisine est avant tout pour moi un moment de détente et de plaisir.
    whatever we eat 8 January 2021 at 10:58 AM

    Cinnamon to flavor it, pistaches pour le décorer, comment résister à ce riz au lait plein de saveurs et délicieusement doudou !?
    Merciiii Fabienne pour ta participation ! 🙂
    Agréable journée. IDB. Viviane

  • Quoi Qu'on Mange ? – La cuisine est avant tout pour moi un moment de détente et de plaisir.
    whatever we eat 8 January 2021 at 11:02 AM

    Parfumé à la cannelle, décoré à la pistache, il doit être bien difficile de résister aux saveurs de ce riz au lait délicieusement doudou !
    Merciiiii Fabienne pour ta participation ! 🙂
    Agréable journée. IDB. Viviane

    • Fabienne
      Famoh 27 January 2021 at 7:04 AM

      Avec plaisir, merci pour le thème! 🙂

  • la cuisine de poupoule
    la cuisine de poupoule 8 January 2021 at 11:05 AM

    Voilà un magnifique riz au lait
    Bonne journée

  • ohlagourmande – Bonjour, Je m'appelle Delphine, je suis enseignante et maman de deux garçons..... La cuisine est devenue une véritable passion, je partage mes petits plats avec ma famille et mes amis, vous trouverez des recettes traditionnelles, simples et rapides.
    ohlagourmande 8 January 2021 at 12:38 PM

    Hum il doit être bon, un vrai régal
    Belle journée

    • Fabienne
      Famoh 27 January 2021 at 7:04 AM

      Merci! 🙂

  • Natly 8 January 2021 at 12:48 PM

    It looks super creamy the way I like it.
    Bonne journée

  • Jackie 8 January 2021 at 2:31 PM

    What a delicious rice pudding, I'd put my spoon in it. Bises

  • Lina 8 January 2021 at 9:15 PM

    Super practical !

  • Assia 10 January 2021 at 8:33 AM

    Hmm, it looks smooth and creamy to me. Bises


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