Fried fish with spices

Fried fish with spices

Fish with fried oriental spices way.

Go for a change of sweet recipes that you see on my blog, I offer a recipe fried fish spices.

J & rsquo; I achieve Chermoula: c & rsquo; is a marinade consisting of & rsquo; herbs, lemon juice, d & rsquo; d & rsquo oil, olives and d & rsquo; ground spices.

Fried fish with spices

This marinade is just delicious and very pleasant flavor your fish and meat.

Fried fish with spices

I used frozen cod which I cut into cubes and left marinated in chermoula 1 good time.

Fried fish with spices

I won't tell you about the smells that come out after this time., it's a pure delicacy.

To enjoy your fried spiced fish I recommend a good salad with fresh bread.

Fried fish with spices

Fried fish with spices
Author: Fabienne
Prep time:
Cook time:
Total time:
Serves: 35 minutes
  • fish cod
  • 1 half bunch of coriander
  • 1 half bunch of parsley
  • 1 cuillère à café de paprika
  • 1 cuillère à café de curcuma
  • 1 teaspoon of cumin
  • 1 gousse d’ail
  • le jus d’1 citron
  • de l’huile d’olive
  • sel, poivre
  1. Cut the cod fish into cubes and place in a bowl.
  2. Chop the cilantro and parsley; add the cod.
  3. Grate clove & rsquo; garlic over the bowl.
  4. Ajouter le curcuma, le paprika, cumin, le sel et le poivre.
  5. Pour lemon and read the & rsquo; d & rsquo oil; olive.
  6. Mix your preparation so that the cod is well steeped.
  7. Shoot your bowl and place it cool for a minimum 1 heure.
  8. Heat a pan with some d & rsquo; oil.
  9. Roll your diced cod in flour and fry.
  10. When your fish is golden, place it on absorbent paper.

recipe image
Recipe Name
Fried fish with spices
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Preparation Time
Cook Time
Total Time


  • gingembre & chocolat 3 November 2018 at 3:13 PM

    ohhhhhh j’adore 🙂 je note, en plus j’ai justement des dos de flétan que je trouve moins épais que le cabillaud, du coup ils seraient parfait pour ta recette !!

    • Fabienne
      Famoh 4 November 2018 at 9:12 AM

      Tout à fait d’accord, si tu fais la recette dit moi ce que tu en pense. Bises. 🙂


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