Very fluffy egg-free banana muffin without butter.

Muffins are made almost every 2 semaines; my children and I enjoy them at breakfast or at tea time.

That day a craving for muffins and no eggs or butter.

No worries I improvised.

The end result is just as delicious and the muffin soft.

Banana muffin without butter without egg
Author: Fabienne
Prep time:
Cook time:
Total time:
Serves: 35 minutes
  • 1 banane
  • 100g de sucre en poudre
  • 15cl de lait
  • 230g flour with incorporated yeast
  • 4 tablespoon vegetable oil
  • 1 teaspoon of liquid vanilla flavor
  • des pépites de chocolat
  1. Ecraser la banane.
  2. Ajouter le sucre en poudre, milk and vanilla flavor and mix.
  3. Verser la farine et mélanger.
  4. Ajouter les pépites de chocolat et mélanger.
  5. Pour your preparation into muffin boxes.
  6. Enfourner pendant 15 minutes à 180°C.

Je participe à la Bataille Food #72 invented by Jenna Jenna Bistro, l & rsquo; administrator is Valerie's blog 1.2.3. Dégustez.

The previous patron was Sylvie Blog Lemongrass and Cardamom, Maggy is the new sponsor of the blog Magg Kitchenette has chosen as theme: Your best recipe or culinary pride.

Liste des participants:

  1. Jenna du blog du Bistro de Jenna
  2. Michelle du blog plaisirs de la maison
  3. Louisiane du blog Les gralettes
  4. Aurélie from the blog Yellow mustard5
  5. Catalina du blog Le blog de Cata
  6. Nathalie from the blog Voozenoo kitchen
  7. Valérie du blog 1.2.3.Dégustez
  8. Soulef du blog Amour de cuisine
  9. Viviane blog whatever we eat ?
  10. Ponpon blog Miamponpon
  11. Lic du blog aussi délicieux qu’un gâteau
  12. Cenwen from the blog Simply Cenwen
  13. Doctor Chocolatine from lmedicine goes through the kitchen
  14. Helena blog Keskonmangemaman
  15. Marie du blog Cooking and Bon Appétit
  16. Virginia Blog çà ne sent pas un peu le brulé la
  17. Samar du blog mes inspirations culinaires
  18. Nicolas du blog Dans ma cuisine à moi
  19. Lina your blog Chaud Patate
  20. Sylvie du blog La table de Clara
  21. Lova du blog Graine de faim Kely
  22. Michèle du blog Croquant -Fondant-Gourmand
  23. Delphine du blog oh la gourmande de del
  24. Fabienne du blog Famoh
  25. Christine du blog Pause- nature
  26. Maggy du blog Magg kitchenette
Recipe Name
Banana muffin without egg without butter
Published On
Preparation Time
Cook Time
Total Time

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