crunchy almond cookies

crisp almond cookies

My crunchy almond biscuits to chew on!

If you like large or small biscuits to snack on, to taste or devour I have the recipe that you need!

crunchy almond cookies

Very honestly, I make these crunchy almond cookies at a minimum 1 times a month because their success is assured with mine.

I prepare them as the recipe but I also vary: with grapes, chocolate chips or crushed dried fruit.

crunchy almond cookies

Same for the aromas, I use vanilla, lemon and orange blossom.

I have a preference for almond powder, but cocoa powder, hazelnut powder or others can do the trick very well. crunchy almond cookies

These cookies are a real treat.

Et c’est la recette que j’utilise lorsque j’ai besoin d’offrir des biscuits en grande quantité. 🙂

crunchy almond cookies

crisp almond cookies
Author: Fabienne
Prep time:
Cook time:
Total time:
  • 3 œufs
  • 120g de sucre en poudre
  • 1 glass & rsquo; oil
  • 400g de farine avec levure incorporée
  • 70g de poudre d’amande
  • zest & rsquo; 1 lemon
  • de l’arôme vanille
  • 1 jaune d’œuf pour la dorure
  1. Mix the egg with powdered sugar.
  2. Pour & rsquo; oil and mix.
  3. Add the lemon zest and the & rsquo; vanilla flavor.
  4. Pour the flour and the powder d & rsquo; almonds and mix up & rsquo; to obtain a dough ball.
  5. Divide the ball 2.
  6. Roll each coil form into balls and place on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper.
  7. Slightly flatten the palm black pudding.
  8. Brush the surface of yellow d & rsquo; egg.
  9. Enfourner pendant 15 minutes à 180°C.
  10. Dès la sortie du four, cutting each strand into slices & rsquo; about 1.5cm and arrange them on one side.
  11. Bake again for 5 minutes.
  12. Eteindre le four et laissez le plateau avec vos biscuits croquants aux amandes pour qu’ils aient ce côté “croquants”.
Les biscuits croquants aux amandes se conservent dans une boîte hermétique.

recipe image
Recipe Name
crisp almond cookies
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Preparation Time
Cook Time
Total Time


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