cookies double chocolat

Cookies double chocolat

Double chocolate cookies for gourmets!

Un délicieux cookies avec l’intensité du chocolat! Un vrai régal!

Ces cookies double chocolat sont croustillants et moelleux à cœur.

cookies double chocolat

Une recette toute simple à suivre et à réaliser pour obtenir un résultat gourmand.

L’avantage des cookies c’est qu’ils sont très rapide à préparer mais ils disparaissent aussitôt sortis du four! 🙂

cookies double chocolat

D’autres recettes de cookies: cookies beurre de cacahuètes, cookies aux pépites de chocolat, cookies M&M’s.

cookies double chocolat

Cookies double chocolat
Author: Fabienne
Prep time:
Cook time:
Total time:
  • 1 œuf
  • 100g de sucre en poudre
  • 75g de beurre ramolli
  • 140g de farine
  • 40g de cacao en poudre non sucré
  • 1 teaspoon & rsquo; liquid vanilla flavor
  • 1/2 cuillère à café de levure chimique
  • des pépites de chocolat
  1. Fouetter l’œuf, le sucre ainsi que l’arôme vanille.
  2. Ajouter le beurre et mélanger.
  3. Verser la farine ainsi que le cacao et mélanger.
  4. Ajouter les pépites de chocolat et mélanger.
  5. Déposer des tas suffisamment espacé sur une plaque de papier cuisson.
  6. Enfourner pendant 8 minutes à 180°C.
  7. Laisser refroidir avant de les manipuler.

Je participe à la Foodista Challenge #68 et la nouvelle marraine est Elodie du blog « la Cuisine d’une toquée » who chose as theme: Cookies to eat under the blanket.


Liste des participants:

Previous editions:

  1. Steph de Cuisine me a sheep: Cupcakes & muffins
  2. Lucia Goulucieusement : Taste of Autumn
  3. hears Tales and Delights : Brunch
  4. julia the Cookines : The cozy Scandinavian recipes
  5. Anaïs Lemon and Sardine : A touch of Mediterranean
  6. Nath de Pourquoi je grossis : Small delights for big appetites ...
  7. Gordana des Recipes Galore : Shaping Our picnics spring
  8. Audrey de Cooking n co : Flavors of Asia
  9. Adeline at Cook'N Blog : And if we cooled off with ice
  10. Margaux Lemon Verbena : The fruit tart
  11. Gwen de Tisser Pastry: The Vanilla want you in here
  12. Cyrielle Cyrielle Gourmandise : Around a Tea Time
  13. Maeva of Cook a life ! by Maeva: What if we added more of a layer ?
  14. Valérie de I love cakes : The magic of Christmas
  15. Deborah of mom tarnished : The sweet life
  16. Gabrielle de Little Spoon and slipper : Flower Power
  17. Elise And so we cook : Lebanese Cuisine
  18. Anne Laure Nietzsche glitters and handbag : It's believed all!
  19. Angelique Angel's Recipes : India dresses in pink
  20. Sarah-Eden from Les Trois Madeleines : Pin-up your day
  21. Emily Émilie Sweetness : The dishes in the large
  22. Didoo by Deviously Sweet Pâtisserie : Back to School
  23. Gourmand and organicGourmet and Organic : Corpus Campaign melon !
  24. Papa Rico by Chez Papa Rico : Italy without cheese
  25. Sandra Encore un gâteau : Festivals Desserts
  26. Aurelia Les Gourmandises de Ya : It'll Bonfire !
  27. Steve from Mon Carnet Café : The egg, star in all its states
  28. Valérie from 1,2,3…Enjoy ! : The round peppers
  29. Hélène de Keskonmangemaman : It’s my cup of tea
  30. Stephanie de Fil and Croq : Mojito flavor
  31. Lina de hot potato : Smoke on the plate
  32. Marie de United Colours of Macarons: Cooking with our child's soul
  33. Virginie from Tea Time & Delicatessen : roll my chicken
  34. Home Sweet Benedict : Tartine Me
  35. Cindy Comme une envie de douceur : And if you cook leftovers ?
  36. Lilie from La Cuisine Maison, And why not me? : The squash are at the party
  37. Sarah de play with food : Tonight, c & rsquo; is watching TV !
  38. Sabrina de Sab'n'Pepper : Sun destination !
  39. Cécile de Ma Cuisine Bleu Combava : The World Tour Breakfasts !
  40. Patou de Karibo Sakafo : Level we along the Silk Road !
  41. Carole de Bring The Popotte ! : Turn away the aperitif
  42. Laurent Lau kitchen : Spéculoosez me dessert !
  43. Hélène de Keskonmangemaman : Holdays on ice
  44. Lova of Grainedefaimkely : Mi-figue mi-raisin
  45. Sylvie from Clara's table : the kitchen dressed in orange for Halloween
  46. Daniela from Somewhere in Provence : Around the jar
  47. Delphine deOh la Gourmande : the gratin
  48. Hélène de Keskonmangemaman ? : mardi gras
  49. Natalia from Sucreetepices : happy Birthday!
  50. Assia Gourmandiseassia: spring jar
  51. Ponpon de La cuisine de Ponpon : brings your strawberry!
  52. Guy de guy59600 : Chocolate
  53. Michelle from Pleasures of Home : apricot savory or sweet release
  54. Martine de Kilomètre 0 : The cakes in the morning
  55. Michèle Croquant Fondant Gourmand : And Patati and ... Potato dough in a tizzy.
  56. Christèle from La cuisine de poupoule : Celebrate autumn in our base
  57. Catalina de Le blog de Cata : Canned house to date
  58. Sophie de Tenderness in the kitchen : The revenue base and leg strokes
  59. Patty you blog veganvert : Revenue declined classic version 100% vegetable
  60. Jackie du blog Jackiecuisine : When I say lemon, c & rsquo; is lime, le yuzu, caviar lemon, the combava, le citron, bergamot
  61. Coco de Nice du blog Cuisine en folie : Pancakes and anything that jumps in the pan
  62. Fabienne du blog Famoh : "Stay greedy during confinement ! »
  63. Sofia you blog Plume & Prose : "Invitation to the delights of the Thousand & One Nights »
  64. Meriem from the blog La Casbah des Délice : We go to the beach
  65. Loubna blog Test kitchen : “Stay indulgent without refined sugar
  66. Charlotte's blog The revenues of resourcefulness : The courgette
  67. Christelle du blog Toque de choc : bentos back to school in good health
recipe image
Recipe Name
Cookies double chocolat
Published On
Preparation Time
Cook Time
Total Time


  • lacuisinedunetoquee
    elodide 7 November 2020 at 4:08 PM

    yum delicious chocolate cookies, they are very appealing

    • Fabienne
      Famoh 14 November 2020 at 8:10 AM

      Thank you Elodie!

  • Recipes for Okok
    The revenues of resourcefulness 7 November 2020 at 5:37 PM

    Very plump and ultra chocolatey cookies. How to resist it ?

  • la cuisine de poupoule
    La cuisine de poupoule 7 November 2020 at 5:42 PM

    Very tasty your cookies
    Bonne soirée

  • christine 7 November 2020 at 7:04 PM

    How to resist doubly delicious cookies! Merci pour le partage! Bonne soirée!

  • Plume & Prose – France – Passionate about writing since my early childhood, it was quite natural that I embarked on the adventure of “Copywriting”. free process, articles and interviews passing by my kitchen, I invite you to discover and rediscover me through “Plume & Prose” where I never tire of using this art of “Storytelling”
    Pen and Prose 7 November 2020 at 9:11 PM

    How greedy and generous they are !
    I confirm, once out of the oven they can only disappear within a minute.

    • Plume & Prose – France – Passionate about writing since my early childhood, it was quite natural that I embarked on the adventure of “Copywriting”. free process, articles and interviews passing by my kitchen, I invite you to discover and rediscover me through “Plume & Prose” where I never tire of using this art of “Storytelling”
      Plume & Prose 8 November 2020 at 12:21 AM

      Ps. : I completely forgot to post my recipe, my apologies for this delay.

  • Jacre 8 November 2020 at 11:16 AM

    These cookies are so delicious, parfait…bises et bonne journée

  • like sweetness
    Miss Sweetness 8 November 2020 at 1:45 PM

    Tes cookies sont on ne peut plus gourmands, ce doit être un régal, parfaits pour l’heure du thé !

  • Ponpon 10 November 2020 at 9:45 AM

    Délicieux cookies, comment résister?

    • Fabienne
      Famoh 13 November 2020 at 6:34 AM

      Merci! Bises. 🙂

  • Samar-My Culinary Inspirations
    samar 12 November 2020 at 2:20 AM

    un régal tes cookies j’adore le chocolat 🙂

    • Fabienne
      Famoh 13 November 2020 at 6:34 AM

      Ah la passion du chocolat! Merci Samar, Bises.


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