soft apple roll cake

Soft apple roll cake

My fondant apple roll cake.

You now know my recipe for génoise, light and soft that I have already offered you in various recipes.

I present it to you this time garnished with fondant apples.

soft apple roll cake

The recipe is very easy and accessible to everyone..

soft apple roll cake

The moist apple roll cake is perfect for snack time.

soft apple roll cake


  • 4 œufs
  • 100g de sucre en poudre
  • 100g de farine
  • the tip of a baking powder knife
  • 1 teaspoon & rsquo; liquid vanilla flavor
  • 5 pommes
  • 4 cuillères à soupe de sucre en poudre
  • 1 sachet de sucre vanillé


  • Peler, épépiner et couper les pommes en morceaux.
  • Cook them with 4 tablespoons of powdered sugar as well as vanilla sugar.
  • Mix regularly and continue cooking until you obtain soft apples..
  • Let cool and set aside.
  • Whisk the eggs with the 100g of powdered sugar and the vanilla flavoring until the mixture triples in volume..
  • Add the flour and baking powder and mix gently with a spatula.
  • Verser la pâte sur une plaque recouverte de papier cuisson, étaler uniformément et enfourner pendant 10 minutes à 180°C.
  • As soon as your sponge cake has finished cooking, place it with its baking sheet immediately on a damp cloth and leave to cool..
  • Spread your apples on the sponge cake and roll your cake.
  • Place your soft apple roll cake on a serving dish and sprinkle with icing sugar if you wish..

soft apple roll cake

Fabric bag

Other rolled cake recipes:

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Recipe Name
Soft apple roll cake
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  • Marion 28 September 2021 at 7:17 AM

    What a great seasonal idea !
    Bonne journée, bises.

    • Fabienne
      Famoh 6 November 2021 at 8:42 AM

      Merci Marion!

  • Coco de Nice
    Coco de Nice 29 September 2021 at 7:06 AM

    a nice soft cake
    thank you Famoh
    bonne journée

  • mamiecaillou 29 September 2021 at 11:00 AM

    A rolled cake that changes from traditional jam rolls, Thanks for this good idea !

    • Fabienne
      Famoh 6 November 2021 at 8:42 AM

      It’s true that it’s a change of jam, merci, bises.

  • Christalie 30 September 2021 at 2:43 PM

    This roll is superb !!

    • Fabienne
      Famoh 6 November 2021 at 8:41 AM

      Merci, bisous!


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