
Gluten-free cake with chocolate filling

My gluten-free cake with chocolate filling.

For those with gluten intolerance as well as for those who wish to reduce the consumption of wheat flour, This gluten-free cake recipe with chocolate filling will please you.

Very easy to make and garnishing it with chocolate makes it extra delicious!

The cake is a little denser but still delicious.; it can be a wonderful gourmet way to please someone who watches their diet.

Gluten-free cake with chocolate filling
Author: Fabienne
Prep time:
Cook time:
Total time:
Serves: 6
  • 3 œufs
  • 130g de sucre en poudre
  • 150g of corn flour ( starch)
  • 50g of vegetable oil
  • 2 tablespoons of almond milk
  • 1 teaspoon of gluten-free baking powder
  • 1 teaspoon of liquid vanilla flavor
  • chocolate spread
  1. Whisk the eggs with the sugar and the vanilla flavoring.
  2. Add the vegetable oil and almond milk and mix.
  3. Ajouter la farine ainsi que la levure chimique et mélanger.
  4. Verser la préparation dans un moule beurré et enfourner pendant 25 minutes à 180°C.
  5. Let the cake cool completely.
  6. Cut the cake into 2 and the chocolate filling.

Food battle

Je participe à la Bataille Food #84 invented by Jenna from Bistro de Jenna, the administrator is Hélène du blog keskonmangemaman? who manages the page Battle of Food Facebook.

The previous godmother was Natalia from the Sucre et Epices blog and the new godmother is Loubna from the blog Test kitchen which has chosen as theme: say goodbye to gluten.

List of participants for this new edition :

  1. Loubna Site Test kitchen
  2. Fabienne du blog Famoh
  3. Ponpon blog La cuisine de Ponpon
  4. Natalia you blog Sugar and Spices
  5. Michèle Croquant Fondant Gourmand
  6. Valérie du blog 123 Dégustez
  7. Catalina de Le blog de Cata
  8. Coco from the blog Cuisine en folie
  9. Charlotte's blog recipes for resourcefulness
  10. Michelle Plaisirs de la maison
  11. Lina your blog The hot potato
  12. Cécile du blog With a teaspoon
  13. Maria you blog Cretan recipe
  14. Isabelle de ISCA kitchen
  15. Hélène de Keskonmangemaman ?
  16. Sofia you blog Pen and prose
  17. Anna you blog Anna Loves Food
  18. Josiane you blog Everyone has their own kitchen
  19. Alexandra you blog The right lab
  20. Vanessa you blog de Pot of small bohnium
  21. Soulef du blog Amour de cuisine
  22. Christelle du blog La cuisine de Poupoule
  23. Laurent from the site Laulau's house

Recipe Name
Gluten-free cake with chocolate filling
Published On
Preparation Time
Cook Time
Total Time

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