Categories: Dessert

Trifle the cookies 2 cows

Trifle the cookies 2 easy and fast cows!

The trifle is basically an English dessert, cake layer compound, cream and jam.

A little high in calories; sure but very good.

I wanted to simplify the recipe with very few ingredients and make it lighter.

A few minutes will be enough for you to compose these trifle cookies. 2 cows with the ingredients you have on hand.

No cooking so obviously no risk of failure.

It’s actually a very simple dessert to prepare and so good..

If you want to make the trifle more elaborate, nothing stops you from adding fresh fruit.

I chose to prepare this dessert in a lighter way, with homemade cookies and yogurt.

To add a little frothy side to yogurt, I mixed it with a little whipped cream.

J’ai utilisé les cookies love you made recently for a very delicious effect and a creamy yogurt without added sugar.

On to the recipe!

Trifle the cookies 2 cows
Author: Fabienne
Prep time:
Total time:
Serves: 2 no one
  • 1 fruity and creamy fromage blanc yoghurt
  • cookies
  • 10cl de crème liquide
  1. Assemble the cream chantilly.
  2. Gently mix it with the yogurt.
  3. Montage:
  4. In a glass, pour a little yogurt, then place a layer of cookies.
  5. Repeat the yogurt step, cookies.
  6. Refrigerate your dessert until ready to serve..

Regarding yogurt, the Hivency platform allowed me to discover the brand’s new yogurts Les 2 Cows apricot and raspberry flavors.

I chose to make my dessert with raspberry flavor, cashier, date, chia seeds.

Presented in a recyclable cardboard pot, the yogurt is full of sweetness, without flavorings and without added sugar because fruit sugar is enough.

Perfect for those with gluten intolerance.

Another positive point, the milk is organic AND French.

Recipe Name
Trifle the cookies 2 cows
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Preparation Time
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