coconut chocolate rock

Coconut chocolate rock

Delicious and crunchy coconut chocolate rocher.

I promised you, my recipe for coconut chocolate rock used for coconut passion mousse.

coconut chocolate rock

Beautifully golden on the outside and soft on the inside, this rock is a real treat.

So easy to prepare with few ingredients, it would be a shame to deprive yourself.

coconut chocolate rock

Egg white, sugar and coconut, that's all you'll need to make the recipe and chocolate of course!

coconut chocolate rock

The chocolate and coconut duo is a real delight.

They are also delicious plain (recipe here) and keep perfectly for a few days.

coconut chocolate rock


Coconut chocolate rock
Serves: 6 personnes
Prep time: 
Cook time: 
Total time: 
  • 2 blancs d'œufs
  • 100g de sucre en poudre
  • 130g de noix de coco râpé
  • 1 teaspoon of liquid vanilla flavor
  • melted dark chocolate
  1. Whisk the egg whites with the powdered sugar and the vanilla flavoring.
  2. Add coconut powder and mix.
  3. Faire des petits tas à l'aide votre main ou une cuillère que vous déposez sur une plaque cuisson recouverte de papier sulfurisé.
  4. Enfourner pendant 10 minutes à 180°C.
  5. Laisser complètement refroidir avant de les manipuler.
  6. A l'aide d'une spatule nappez de chocolat la base des rochers et les déposer sur la plaque de cuisson.
  7. Décorez de chocolat la surface des rochers.
  8. Laissez le chocolat figer avant de manipuler les rochers.

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Recipe Name
Coconut chocolate rock
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Preparation Time
Cook Time
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